Long-term foreign residents in Cambodia can get free entrance to Angkor complex

    Free Angkor entrance fee for Long-term foreign residents

    Free Angkor entrance fee for Long-term foreign residents

    The long-term foreigners and investors who live in the country to apply for a free annual visit to the Angkor and Koh Ker temples – Said by the Angkor Institute.

    The Royal Government of Cambodia offers yearly free visits to the Angkor complex for long-term foreign residents.

    The announcement shown that all foreigners who have been living in the Kingdom of Cambodia for more than two years, including diplomats, investors, international organizations, foreign workers in companies and private enterprises of all kinds, experts working in ministries, public and private institutions, as well as families, may apply for a free trip to Angkor to promote domestic tourism in Cambodia.

    Free Angkor entrance fee for Long-term foreign residents

    Free Angkor entrance fee for Long-term foreign residents

    From September 9th 2022, applicants can apply directly at Angkor Institution during business hours or get the application form online (through the Angkor Institution website or spass.angkorenterprise.gov.kh).

    A valid residency permits for at least two years, a copy of the valid passport and 4×6 photos are required for each applicant.


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